Why NH lags in solar; causes and fixes

New Hampshire Public Radio’s The Exchange recently tackled  “Why N.H. Lags on Major Solar Projects and How That Might Be Changing.”

By SayCheeeeeese [CC0]

Surrounding states like Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine have already developed large solar projects that go beyond just private roof tops. As the price of solar continues to drop, commercial interests are seizing the moment. Hear how state policy, among other issues, is retarding solar expansion in New Hampshire.

The approximately 50-minute audio is worth a listen on your phone or computer. Laura Knoy’s guests include:

  • Sam Evans-Brown – Host of NHPR’s podcast, Outside/In , a show about the natural world and how we use it.  Every other Friday on Morning Edition Sam tracks down answers to questions about the environment and outdoors for our listeners in a segment called Ask Sam.
  • Emily Cole – Climate & Agriculture Program Manager for New England American Farmland Trust
  • Dan Weeks – Director of Market Development for ReVision Energy, a New Hampshire employee-owned solar company that works with homeowners, businesses, towns, and nonprofits.
  • Stephanie Scherr – Director of ECHO Action NH for Environmental Justice, a group of environmental and climate activists.
  • Aaron Svedlow –  President of North Light Energy, which is planning a large-scale solar array project on vacant industrial property in the southwestern area of Claremont.
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