NHSaves Revived, Gets Funded by Legislature

NHSaves was on the edge of extinction when the NH Public Utility Commission majority, appointed by Gov. Chris Sununu, decided to start defunding the program. NH State Consumer Advocate Don Kreis said the PUC “administered a sledgehammer to more than two decades of energy efficiency programs as delivered under the NHSaves banner.”

Now NHSaves has been revived by the state legislature’s recently signed HB549. NH Save says the bill “restores funding and the framework for the NHSaves energy efficiency programs.”

However, Kreis in a Tweet said,  “Yes, enactment of HB549 was a victory. But not a total victory — not by any means,” the funding is less than what was originally requested and denied by the PUC back in November 2021.

NHSaves provides rebates on energy efficient appliances, provides free home energy audits and financial incentives of up to $6,000 to make homes, businesses and government more energy efficient and thus reduce energy usage and costs. To learn what is available visit NHSaves.

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